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Project Proposals

The application form must be fully completed and the accounts and project proposal uploaded before the form can be submitted.

The project proposal should give the Trustees some background information about your charity and specific details about the project you are requesting funding for. There is no set format for the project proposal, however it should include the following:

  • details of the project including the timeframe for completing the project
  • the objective(s) of the project and how the outcome will be measured to determine if the objective(s) have been met
  • a detailed budget for the project
  • details of any other support already received or secured for the project
  • any future plans for the project.

Your project proposal should be no longer than three pages and ideally uploaded as a pdf file.

Once you have submitted your completed application form, you should receive an email confirmation that we have received it. The Trustees will review your application at the next quarterly Trustee meeting (held in March, June, September and December) and we will be in touch within the week after the meeting to inform you of the outcome of your application.

Please note that there is a two-year time barred rule, whereby once you have applied you are not eligible to apply again for two years from the last award date.

Any Questions?

Finally … any further questions. If you are unsure about anything, in the first instance please go to the comprehensive FAQs section on our website.

If after checking that you have any remaining questions, contact us via our online form and a Trust representative will get back to you.

Next Step

Complete our online application.