Since taking up her post in Lothian, one of the many people who has benefitted from Sharon’s expert support is Martin*, who was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma on his neck at the age of 32. Despite his initial positive prognosis, Martin’s biopsy results showed the disease had spread and he had to undergo a series of CT scans in order to determine the spread more precisely. As his specialist cancer nurse, Sharon provided support to Martin and his family at the peak of their concerns, explaining each stage of his diagnosis and treatment.

Sharon, Macmillan Skin Cancer Nurse in Lothian

Cancer can impact on all areas of life, so Sharon also provides ongoing support with any practical and emotional concerns, giving patients and their loved ones the opportunity to talk through their anxieties, providing reassurance and offering information on the varying treatment options available.

After recovering from surgery, Martin responded well to his systemic anticancer therapy. Sharon continued to call him weekly to provide information, reassurance and support, and provide face-to-face support at clinics, reviewing his care plan and ensuring she and her colleagues are there to help him with whatever needs and concerns he has at each stage of his care journey.

* Please note the patient’s name has been changed to protect their identity.