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Man playing bagpipes in highland dress


We support our nation’s rich and diverse cultural life and heritage by funding projects that encourage participation in and preservation of Scotland’s culture.
Person's hands in lab working with test tube samples

Medical Research

We fund medical research projects in Scotland that explore the causes, prevention and management of medical and health conditions.
Front view of nurses' middle of body with patient in blurred in background

Medical Care

We fund projects that advance health, including the prevention or relief of sickness, disease or human suffering, and provide general medical care for those who need it most.
Art session round table with group of children and two adults

Community Support

We fund projects that help individuals and communities become more self-reliant and provide opportunities for people to reach their potential, particularly the young and those from Scotland’s disadvantaged communities.
Dog sitting looking up with tongue


We support the advancement of animal welfare, including funding projects that benefit and protect animals, address wildlife conservation or encourage a greater understanding of animals and their needs.

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Read our application guidance before applying.